It can be a lot to keep on top of everything when you are running your own business, especially key dates and deadlines for example... your VAT return is due a month and 7 days after the end of your quarter... e.g. if your quarter ended on 31st December, your return will be due on the 7th Feb, but these aren't the only dates you'll want to remember.
PAYE is always due on the 22nd of the next month, plus you'll have self assessment and corporation tax deadlines too depending on your set up.
Quarter end date | VAT due date |
31st December | 7th February |
31st January | 7th March |
28th February | 7th April |
31st March | 7th May |
30th April | 7th June |
31st May | 7th July |
30th June | 7th August |
31st July | 7th September |
31st August | 7th October |
30th September | 7th November |
31st October | 7th December |
30th November | 7th January |
PAYE Calendar Month | PAYE Due Date |
Month 1 - April | 22nd May |
Month 2 - May | 22nd June |
Month 3 - June | 22nd July |
Month 4 - July | 22nd August |
Month 5 - August | 22nd September |
Month 6 - September | 22nd October |
Month 7 - October | 22nd November |
Month 8 - November | 22nd December |
Month 9 - December | 22nd January |
Month 10 - January | 22nd February |
Month 11 - February | 22nd March |
Month 12 - March | 22nd April |
Additional PAYE deadlines;
31st May - P60's to be given to employees for the tax year that has just ended
6th July - P11D's to be filed
Self Assessment
There are several key dates to consider for self assessment this year.
Date to Consider | Deadline |
21/22 Self Assessment due ( Return submitted online and payment made) | 31st January |
Start of the 23/24 tax year | 6th April |
Tax- Free dividend allowance decreases from £2,000 to £1,000 per year | 6th April |
Tax-Free CG (Capital Gains) allowance is reduced down to £6,000 per year ( This was £12,300) | 6th April |
The Additional 45% Tax Rate threshold is reduced to £125,140 per year ( this was £150,000) | 6th April |
Deadline for Self Assessment Notification of Chargeability of income tax and/or capital gains tax for 22/23 | 5th October |
Deadline for payments (online) for CIS, PAYE and Class 1 B NIC's | 22nd October |
22/23 Paper Self Assessment Deadline | 31st October |
Corporation Tax Deadlines
These are the deadlines for when your companies corporation tax is die depending on when your year end was/is.
Company Year End | Corporation Tax Due Date |
30th April 22 | 31st January 23 |
31st May 22 | 28th February 23 |
30th June 22 | 31st March 23 |
31st July 22 | 30th April 23 |
31st August 22 | 31st May 23 |
30th September 22 | 30th June 23 |
31st October 22 | 31st July 23 |
30th November 22 | 31st August 23 |
31st December 22 | 30th September 23 |
31st January 23 | 31st October 23 |
28th February 23 | 30th November 23 |
31st March 23 | 31st December 23 |
Key to note also is that the Corporation tax rate for companies with a profit above £250,000 will increase from the current 19% to 25%. If your companies profit is below £50,000 then you'll stay at 19%